domingo, 11 de dezembro de 2011

Identifique o erro na imagem...

... e corrija-o!

6 comentários:

  1. ERRO:O Gajo da camisola do Benfica não devia ter o cachecol do maritimo......não combina....

  2. Nada a corrigir.Foi um só.

  3. Pois foi, foi só mais um roubo.
    Mais um roubo de catedral, o costume.

  4. O ERRO é a camisola slb.

    Quanto ao um, foi de facto uma atrás de outra asneira do arbitro, que comprometeu este jogo e o próximo.

  5. The guy who is supposedly a 100% Maritimo fan (wearing the t-shirt and scarf) should not be sitting next to the guy who obviously has a conflict of interests. That’s the main point!
    Priorities must be sorted and emotions in check! The true 100 % CSM fan will kindly inform his friend that he does not wish to watch a game sitting next to someone who wants the best of both worlds. It’s selfish and lacks integrity. Hopefully the 100% CSM fan will have reflected on his poor conduct and next time watch the match with other true supporters. In the meantime the individual who is still to learn how to be a true supporter will watch the game on his own, and hopefully ask himself why?
